A. Pengertian.
Sebelum melihat beberapa contoh dialog bahasa Inggris tentang expressing pride, mari kita pelajari dulu pengertiannya. Expressing Pride adalah suatu ungkapan untuk menunjukkan rasa bangga terhadap sebuah pencapaian atau prestasi yang didapat oleh orang lain atau diri sendiri. Ungkapan ini bertujuan untuk menyatakan perasaan puas dan bahagia terhadap pencapaian orang lain. Banyak ungkapan yang dapat digunakan, salah satunya dan yang paling sering adalah proud of + objek kalimat. Berikut ini saya berikan 3 contoh dialog expessing pride dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
B. Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Pride.
CONTOH 1: | |
Happy | I took our son’s book report this morning. You know what? his rank is the first in his class. |
Rahmat |
For real? |
Happy | Yes, of course. Look at this. |
Rahmat |
wow, I can’t believe it. Where as, he was the twentieth rank last semester. |
Happy | He has been studying hard for along this time. |
Rahmat |
yeah, I know that. I’m proud of him. |
Father | Hi son, have you accomplished your home work? |
Son | yes, I have. But now I have to help mum to clean the back yard. |
Father |
wow, you are indeed my great son. I’m so proud of you. |
Son | Thanks. It’s my duty to help my parents as far as I can. |
John | Good morning Jane. What are you doing? |
Jane | Morning John. I’m cleaning up our classroom. |
John | Wow, you’re so diligent. I’m proud of you. |
Jane | Thanks. But I think it’s every one ‘ responsibility to take care of our environment. |
John | Sure, but unfortunately a lot of people do not realize it. |
Jane | Therefore, many people still throw away their trash every where. |
John | Yes, thus I feel proud of every one who can be bothered to throw their trash away they are very disciplined and help to keep the environment clean. |
Jane | Okay, but would you stop talking now and help me clean the classroom, please |
John |
My pleasure. |
Demikianlah penjelasan tentang pengertian dan beberapa Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Pride. Semoga membantu dan jika menurut kamu tulisan ini bermanfaat, mohon sharenya melalui tombol Like atau dengan meninggalkan komentar di bawah ini agar dapat menjadi referensi bagi teman jejaring sosial kamu yang kebetulan sedang mencari materi yang ini. Terima Kasih.