A. Pengertian
Sebelum melihat beberapa contoh Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Disbelief, mari kita pahami dulu pengertian Disbelief. Expressing Disbelief adalah ungkapan yang menunjukkan ekspresi tidak percaya terhadap kenyataan atau sesuatu yang telah terjadi. Biasanya diikuti dengan ungkapan surprise (terkejut). Sehingga wajar jika ada ungkapan yang sama yaitu: are you kidding me. Untuk melihat perbedaannya terutama dalam hal kalimat atau ungkapannya, silahkan baca materi: expressing surprise. Dalam menunjukkan expressing disbelief kita dapat menggunakan salah satu beberapa ungkapan di bawah ini:
- You are kidding, Are you serious?
- I find this hard to believe
- No I don’t believe it
- You must be joking
- dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.
B. Contoh Dialog Expressing Disbelief
Contoh 1:
A : I went to Lombok Island last month.
B : Really, who did you go with?
A : Only my girlfriend.
B : You’re kidding. Your girlfriend went with you? Did anyone else go?
A : No, just two of us. We had a great time. We climbed Rinjani Mountain. It was incredible.
B : Let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend went alone to Lombok to hike Rinjani? What about her folks and your folks, did they know about this trip.
A : Oh yeah. It was no problem.
B : Seriously, I find this hard to believe. I know your parents, they wouldn’t allow this.
A : Honestly, it was no problem
B : Wow, I wish my folks were that liberal and open minded.
Contoh 2:
A : I will never get married.
B : Really? why?
A : I hate all men. They are all just same.
B : You must be kidding me. You said that you would get married next month.
A : I did. But it’s all over now. My last fiance left me due to another girl.
B : I’m sorry to hear that, but life goes on, you have to forget him and find another kind men.
Demikianlah Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Disbelief. Semoga membantu dan jika menurut kamu tulisan ini bermanfaat, mohon sharenya melalui tombol Like atau dengan meninggalkan komentar di bawah ini. Terima Kasih.
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