Latihan Listening Bahasa Inggris Online: Learning English

Judul latihan listening bahasa Inggris online kali ini adalah Learning English. Jo dan Sam sedang bercakap-cakap perihal pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas. Latihan ini diharapkan mampu membantu kamu yang sedang bergiat mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar bisa menguasai pronunciation dari tiap-tiap kata yang diucapkan oleh native speaker dalam listening ini. Untuk memulai listening silahkan tekan tombol play. Setelah mendengarkan, carilah satu teman untuk diajak mempratikkan percakapan ini dengan gaya bahasa dan cara ucap (pronunciation) yang sudah kamu dengarkan dari native speaker dalam listening ini. Selamat mendengarkan.

Learning English

latihan listening bahasa inggris online dengan judul learning english

Sam: So, what did you think of the class this morning?
Jo: It was OK, but I don’t think I learned very much.
Sam: Oh why not? I thought she was a good teacher.
Jo: I don’t know, maybe she just to talk too much.  I got bored of listening to her.
Sam: Yeah, but what she said was interesting. Especially when she explained the present perfect. It sounded so easy.
Jo: I’m not interested in the present perfect! I need to learn more words. It doesn’t really matter if my tenses aren’t quite right as long as people understand me.
Sam: She did give us some new words though.
Jo: I know but she didn’t write any of them on the board. She was too busy talking.
Sam: I wrote them in my book if you want to copy them. I know that if I don’t write new words down I’ll never remember them.
Jo: Thanks. I’ll give your book back to you tomorrow. If I don’t see a word written down I can never remember it either and I need to write it down myself to help my memory.
Sam: What about the phonemic chart? Did you find that useful?
Jo: Yes, although I found it really difficult to hear the difference in the sounds she made.
Sam: Yes, I’ll need to practice them too. If we use the chart every lesson though I think it might help you to remember new words. If you can see the sound you need to make it might be easier.
Jo: Yeah, I think you’re right. Ups, Maybe you should be my teacher !

Source: British Council.

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