Contoh Pengumuman dalam Bahasa Inggris (Announcement)

A. Pengantar

Contoh Pengumuman dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Artinya – Pengumuman adalah surat yang disampaikan kepada umum, sekelompok khalayak tanpa harus diketahui siapa dan berapa jumlah pembacanya, dan siapa pun berhak membaca, namun tidak semua pembaca itu berkepentingan (Nurjamal dan Sumirat, 2010:56). Format pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris (announcement) tidak jauh berbeda dengan format pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hanya memang ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan terutama dalam penulisan tanggal dan jam suatu acara agar disesuaikan dengan format penulisan yang sesuai kaidah tata bahasa Inggris yang benar.

B. Contoh Pengumuman dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Artinya

yang harus diperhatikan dalam contoh pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris atau announcementContoh 1: Pengumuman untuk Karyawan

Program Announcement

Date: November 2, 2013

To: All Employees

From: Human Resources Manager

RE: New Recycling Program

Did you know that up to 70% of the trash from an office like ours is paper that can be recycled? Our recycling efforts are important because Yogyakarta must meet a State-mandated goal of recycling 50% of its trash by the end of 2000, or face fines of up to $10,000 per day. Since businesses produce over 50% of the city’s waste, it is critical that we do our share to help meet the recycling goal. Recycling has an additional benefit of reducing our waste disposal expenses, which helps lower the building’s operating costs. And of course, recycling helps preserve natural resources – every ton of paper recycled saves 17 trees!

With this in mind, we are implementing a new recycling program in our offices. I encourage you to actively participate in our company’s recycling effort. The enclosed flyer describes what can be recycled in our paper recycling program. The custodial staff can collect the office paper from centralized containers located throughout the office. In addition, you can call Aliya at 081323456789 to obtain desk-side containers you need one. These containers make it very easy for employees to recycle paper at their desks.

With everyone’s participation, I am confident that we can do our part to help the city’s recycling efforts. If you have any questions, please call me at (0274) 999222-1

Thank you for your assistance and participation.

Contoh 2: Pengumuman untuk Mahasiswa

From : University Programming Broad
The University Of Gajah Mada
Yogyakarta, 55729

Contact : Royhan Ahmad Farros Alghifari
Phone : 0274 – 123456
For Use : now to November 2, 2013

One of the biggest political parties is coming to the university of Gajah Mada. It’s the university election night party. See history in the making on Tuesday November 2, 2013 at 7 p.m for a fantastic election extravaganza in the Ballroom UGM Theater. Enjoy free food and fun as we elect our nation’s next president.

This event is held by University Programming The University Of Gajah Yogyakarta and is sponsored by Yasika FM.

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