A. Pengantar
Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Pembawa acara dalam bahasa Inggris biasa disingkat dengan MC yang merupakan kepanjangan dari Master of Ceremony. Ada juga yang menyebutnya dengan istilah host. Bedanya, kalau host adalah orang yang memandu atau membawakan sebuah acara (program) siaran radio, misalnya siaran berita, siaran musik, siaran talkshow, dan sebagainya sedangkan MC lebih ditujukan bagi pemandu acara-acara informal, seperti acara hiburan, perayaan ulang tahun, resepsi pernikahan, dan sebagainya. Peran MC dalam sebuah acara antara lain membuka dan menutup acara, mengumumkan susunan acara dan para pembicara atau pengisi acara, mengenalkan pembicara/ pengisi acara, termasuk membangkitkan antusiasme hadirin, dan sebagainya. Nah, jika dalam waktu dekat ini kamu ditunjuk untuk membawakan sebuah acara dengan berbahasa Inggris, berikut satu contoh yang dapat dijadikan rujukan dalam menyusun teks MC.
B. Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Good Afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is Royhan Ahmad. It is a wonderful and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this beautiful night on Monday, 10th of March 2012 in our big event: “The 1st Anniversary of Inggrisonline.com”.
First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles. Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad saw the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era.
In this beautiful moment, I would like to say welcome to Mr. Alex Zimu, the General Manager of Inggrisonline.com and distinguished teachers and guesses and of course all of my beloved friends..
On this special night we have several agendas, So allow me to read several sequences of our agenda.
- The first is the opening
- The second is Reciting Holy Quran
- The third is Singing Indonesia Raya
- The fourth is Greeting
- The fifth is the speeches
- The sixth is Religious Lecture
- The seventh is the closing and prayer
- Well, to take advantage of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together.
- Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited by our brother, Mukti Widodo (Time is yours)
Thanks to our Brother Mukti Widodo, Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah Always gives us Guidance and help. Amen. - The third agenda is Singing Indonesia Raya who will be led by our sister, Sabrina. The floor is yours..
- The next Agenda is Greeting, and now I would like to invite Mr. Joyo Wijoyo. Please welcome..
Thank you very much to Mr. Joyo Wijoyo for the greeting. - Let’s keep on to the next agenda, that is Speeches.
The first Speeches will be delivered by ………, (Please, Time is yours)
Thank you very much to …… for the speech, may it useful especially for her/ him, generally for all of us.
The second Speeches will be delivered by ………, (Please, Time is yours)
Thank you very much to …… for the speech, may it useful especially for her/ him, generally for all of us. - Now, let’s continue to the main Agenda, that is Religious Lecture, It will be delivered by our teacher …. (Please, time is yours).
Thank you very much to our teacher who was gives us knowledge, May it will be useful in our daily life. Amen. - The last agenda as the final agenda is closing and prayer. To close the program, Let’s recite Hamdalah together.
Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this event. Thank you very much for your kind attention and..
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh
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i like this
i am very happy
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let me share this text
thank u
sebaiknya dalam pidato bahasa inggris tidak usah mengucapkan maaf:)
thanks… its infortant for refence
nice text 4 reference
thanks for info
Thanks you so much!!!
Thanks you very much
How do you say “Serah terima jabatan” in English?
Thank you.
teks ya bagus
s saya suka
this text helps me to improve my student’s speaking ability. thanks
Your post help me too much for my speaking class, thanks♡